Well, it's official---my proposal was chosen to grace the entrance to the new City Hall....I'm very excited about the project! I'll be posting the proposal, press releases, & more info on my website soon....
It's going to be a suspended sculpture; to be hanging from the ceiling of the entrance lobby; when you walk in through the main doors; it will be right there! The design in based on antique surveyor's equipment, & refers to the principal surveyor's meridian of Idaho, which runs down Meridian road: and which the city was named after. Materials will be steel, lots of copper, brass, stainless steel, & some glass. The concept has been approved, but I still have a lot of detail planning/design to do!! The entire piece is going to be approx 18 feet across & almost that tall :)
I'll be meeting with the city on Feb 11th to go over plans & for final approval before fabrication & I'm hoping to start building right after that; the deadline is June, & I hope to have it installed well before then.
I'm planning on documenting the whole process here, so check back for progress reports :)
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