These shops are just up the street from us; an old farm that's been bought out by a developer...Kevin decided to stop one day & find out what the deal is. So, we just found out that we can purchase the 2 shops & the little grain silo!!! The price is good enough that I just can't see passing up the
opportunity; even though I have no place to put a shop at the moment... The plan is to take down both, sell the green one to cover the costs & keep the silver one for the future. It has a 14 foot roll up door, &
ceiling height is about 16 ft clear!! Very cool; shops like these are really costly, & to know that I have one ready to go up whenever I find some property is great; for now, it will be stored in the back of our big box truck at my parents house....

I've been wanting one of these; so cute!!! Will use it for a storage shed, maybe in the garden.....

These huge silos are also going to be torn down; they're concrete; built in little pieces, like
legos; would love to get my hands on one of them; even just the round roof!!! But, they're really tall; would require a pretty big crane to get them apart.... I don't know if we can swing it; even though I could see using them for outbuildings or something, they would be quite the undertaking.... At this moment, I can't afford to invest the $$ it would require.
We're going to meet with our engineer this evening to talk about it---the 2 shops have to be gone w/in 3 months, I assume the same for the big silos. I'll be sad if they just get demolished; seems like such a waste....I'd love to be able to put them to use somewhere....will have to try to come up with a creative solution..... hmmmm
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