Sunday, 8 September 2013

World Trade Center Project makes the local news :)

 I was interviewed this afternoon for the 6:00 news here in Boise.  I met a lovely reporter at World Trade Center Sculpture Plaza at Riverside Park & did a short interview about the project.  The story aired at 6, & might air again at 10.   Here is a link to the video:
And this is what they had to say on the website :)

World Trade Center beam transforms to art in Boise

A beam left behind in the wreckage at the World Trade Center now calls Boise home.
Boise artist Amber Conger worked with a whole team for almost two years, to transform the damaged metal rod into a new sculpture in Riverside Park.
Just this week the finished sculpture, weighing nearly 4,000 pounds, was mounted in Riverside Park to honor those who lost their lives on September 11, nearly 12 years ago.
“It was scary, it was very scary, not knowing, you know, watching it all happen and not knowing what’s going to happen next, and where any of your people that you know are,” Amber Conger said.
We all remember where we were on that day in 2001, especially Conger.
“At the time I was a flight attendant actually,” Conger said. “And I was in Seattle getting ready to go to the airport and go to work, and I was watching the news and saw it all happen.”
Amber was honored to get involved with the project to give new life to the partial beam shipped to Boise from New York City.
“It’s just surreal to know what it is,” she said. “That’s really why I wanted to get involved in this project. It does hit home for me and I’m an artist and I feel like this type of project ,this is really what it’s all about.”
The beam itself remains in its original condition-exactly how it came from New York City- but metal rings now frame it, inspired by ripples in a pond.
The sculpture was mounted in Riverside Park alongside the pre-existing fallen firefighter memorial.
“That’s definitely the best part of the project when we were down here last week with the cranes and seeing it go into place,” Conger said. “It makes it all worth it, definitely, and I’m really happy that we got it done and in place in time for 9/11 this year.”
When the memorial is finished, names of the 343 first responders who lost their lives on 9/11 will be etched into a steel wall along one of the curved walkways in front of the sculpture; a way to remember those who risked their lives to save others.
On Wednesday a small ceremony will unveil the new artwork, and plants and final touches to the monument will be added in the coming weeks.

Pretty cool : )  There will be a dedication on September 11th; I'll post details as I have them; anyone is welcome to come.  For more information on the sculpture, dedication, and the project; please email me at or contact me on my FB page.


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