… welder chick.
Amber Conger, of Refinerii Industrial Revelations, is a full-time artist and sculptor of wood, stone, and other elements from Boise, Idaho with a particular affinity for gears and the industrial chic look.
Amber also has a knack for picking fabulous gleaming words! Her recently completed project, a 28′ tall weather vane, was installed in Boise, Idaho and is dubbed after that windy and rustling word-of-the-week (last week’s word to be exact), zephyr!
Oh how the zephyrs do stir my heart for this weather vane.
Her “Zephyrus” is made from a recycled stand from Idaho Power and the weather vane fashioned from salvaged steel. She also used left-over copper from another project, stainless steel, and the spinner was a gift from a friend.
The installation process needed extra hands.
What a beauty!
I was talking about the weather vane, BUT Amber is tall, statuesque and well, Amber’s compass definitely points …
… true north.
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