tomates are growing like weeds!!
OMG-I bought all heirloom
varieties from a local organic greenhouse & as soon as I put them in the ground they took off! I've got some huge
greenies just starting to turn & lots of little cherry sized coming on already :) I should have lots for sauce this summer; that is unless my neighbor steals them all over the fence! :)

The wilder side of the house on a fine sunny morning; tons of purple blooms; & I have more honeybees buzzing about than I've ever seen!

My truck; hubby got me
hoodscoops for my b-day last October & finally got them put on last night--looks cool, eh??

Cute little sculpture addition to the garden....

The cutest temp. gauge: hubby found a couple of them at the scrap yard & brought them home; I couldn't resist adding them to the garden in front of a window so I can look outside & see the temp :)

The back veggie patch; & kitties. They are convinced that I planted this feather grass clump especially for them--it's their
fav. plant to attack...good thing it's tough!

A cute
windchime that I finally got put back up after the house painting project. It's got keys, copper disks, little steel tubes, & other tidbits & makes the nicest tinkling sound in the breeze.
Beasty Cat--in his new
fav. resting spot; the huge grass clump right next to the front door. Looks
comfy doesn't he?
The last couple weeks have been a recovery period after the Meridian City Hall project; it's been lovely to have extra time in the garden... I'm starting to get back into being busy, though: got projects stacking up! Next will be a big wall installation for the AGC, also doing a sign for a new boutique in downtown Boise, and just got an order for s'more trophies for the Idaho Business Review. And, I just signed a contract with Boise for Parks projects--looks like I'm going to be doing something for Hobble Creek Park this summer....
The search for an affordable shop space is ever on-going....looking at renting space from a friend a couple days a week. Not looking forward to another hot summer in the garage....anyone out there have an old shop available????
Well, that's all for now; time to get ready to head to the scrap yard!
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