As I was weeding the planter in front of the house-the one with these stupid white shrub roses (sorry anyone who likes shrub roses...) I discovered that the beets I planted early in the spring were getting huge! Looking around at all the beets here & there (they're everywhere...) I found quite a few that were ready for harvesting, so I decided to pick & then pickel some :) I've never done such a thing in my life, so I promptly looked up some recipes on the net---of course, being the pickling expert, I did not find a recipe that sounded like it would be good enough, so I combined a few....

Here they are in the sink; running over: looks like a ton!

And with the tops cut off; they are some weird heirloom variety that I got from Baker Creek; albino beets! Love the stripes: some of them are pure white, some have red strips, & I think I only got one in there thats all red...

All canned up; pretty, huh? I uesed a brine of apple cider vinegar, with cinnimon, sugar (not as much as the recipe called for) allspice, nutmeg, & some pepper. Also added whole peppercorns, allspice, & cloves; dont know what it will taste like, but it smelled amazing....

Here they are in the sink; running over: looks like a ton!

And with the tops cut off; they are some weird heirloom variety that I got from Baker Creek; albino beets! Love the stripes: some of them are pure white, some have red strips, & I think I only got one in there thats all red...

All canned up; pretty, huh? I uesed a brine of apple cider vinegar, with cinnimon, sugar (not as much as the recipe called for) allspice, nutmeg, & some pepper. Also added whole peppercorns, allspice, & cloves; dont know what it will taste like, but it smelled amazing....
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