Green Antelope; Reception & Big Sculpture
gah! What a week! Worked on the big piece all week; finished up on Thursday, Kevin loaded everything up that night & headed out for Bellevue at 6 am on Friday with Read to install. I had to stay & work on the Meridain city hall proposal; got up at 4 am to start,or finsh, rather; worked on it most the day on Thursday: finished it about noon; dropped it off on the way out of town & met them up at the gallery. It was worth it, I think; the piece looked spectacular; everyone was very positive about it...we'll see how the reaction is to the price; I definitely stepped it up with this one; both in size & price...not really expecting it to sell, but it's so great to have one of this size done for the public art competitions & larger corporate stuff....
It stands 15 feet tall; the cables hold the wheel in place & help strengthen the whole thing. It comes apart in lots of little pieces & can be assembled with a scaffold & lifting winch.
Here's Kevin & Read relaxing after a long the big paintings on the shed, by the way. I do have a thing for corrugated metal, but I think it makes a really cool background for the artwork....
The reception went well; not quite as big of a crowd as the summer one, but that's to be expected. The fence & garden now open to the ceramics studio next door; I think it adds to the whole feel of the place. More to look at & explore... Lot's of really nice people stopped by to check things out, & were very complimentary of the sculptures & the jewelry; I saw quite a few of my new necklaces walking around...So, a long week, but we got everything done. I cant wait to see all the pieces in the snow---not that I'm looking forward to the snow...but it makes for cool pics.
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