Recap of Sunday evening: Kevin rushed home from work at 3:30 pm. We went to Read's; Kevin picked up the crane truck & I took off in my truck to Boise.... 4:00---Kevin rings my cell; the crane truck is broke: will only do about 25 mph on the freeway, so I turn around, pull off the road & wait till I see him, then follow with flashers on. Make it to my parent's house: we lift the cab, jiggle some wires, & himm & haww: engine stops making noise & seems ok. So, we commence loading of stuff for the install at A20.
5:00 pm: my Mom's slightly strange neighbor starts taking pics of us loading the table with the crane; peeks through the bushes & snaps shots of my licence plates on the other truck: I'm sure he's just itching to report us: for disturbing the peace, commercial operation in residential area, we're aliens from another planet, or who knows what. We'll see what develops; I just smiled & waved.
7:00 pm: still loading stuff & trying to get it all tied down...Mom, Dad, Gram & Gramp show up after a long day of working on the cabin, & get a good laugh out of hearing about the photo shoot earlier in the evening....
8 pm: on the way to A20 with a full load; truck seems OK: 55 mph down the road....
8:15 pm; we arrive at A20, & promptly start installing/unloading stuff with the crane.
10:00 pm; wrapping up install with beers & sighs of relief; A20 is opening the doors Monday morning, & we have things in place just in time (besides the glass orbs that got stolen out of the concrete out front)
11:3o pm: we arrive home after dropping off the crane truck; it decided to throw a tantrum on the way home & only did about 20 all the way....

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