Congrats to Jenny Hansen: you are the winner of a pair of tickets to Carnevale!!
Thanks to everyone who entered; hope to see you at the Garden on Saturday :)
Omg: I'm getting so excited for the party---and I don't even have my costume figured out yet..well, I have a few things; a cute top-hat, matching spats, & a pair of big metal wings...the rest will hopefully come together next week ; )

I had wanted to reveal the trophies on Friday, but this preview pic will have to do: they are actually farther along than this, but the plaques will not be ready until Monday: so I will do the big reveal then. I must say; I think these are going to be some of the coolest trophies I have ever made; right up there with the Nascar trophy :) And they are big; over 2 feet tall. I can't wait to see what people think of them next week.
OK; back to work for me--busy weekend, & crazy busy next week with preparations. Trophy pics will be coming on Monday & maybe even a sneak peek or two at my costume & wings tomorrow ; )
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