Work from industrial metal artist Amber Conger, who works under the name Refinerii, appears all over southern Idaho—including in Meridian City Hall. Conger has become one of the city's most well known artists, particularly for her large-scale pieces.
Idaho Botanical Garden is the most recent recipient of Conger's large-scale work and on Friday, June 3, there's not only an unveiling of the new work but a large-scale party to boot.
Carnevale is a celebration of Conger's art at the garden, with a performance by burlesque troupe Red Light Variety Show, Rose Red Flames and the Fire Kittens. There will also be glass blowing, fortune telling, face painting and fire, belly and arial dancing.
Conger isn't the only local artist whose work will be showing at Carnevale. Also showing will be: Filip Vogelpohl from Boise Art Glass, Bruce Maurey and Wren Van Bockel from Maurey Design, Cody Rutty, Erin Lunstrum Pietsch from Pietsch Pottery, Amber Shing, Reham Aarti Jacobsen of Mosaic Essential and Joe Lopez of
Friday, June 3, gates open at 6 p.m., $7 for members and in advance, $10 at the door. Children under 12 are free. Tickets are available at, The Record Exchange or at Boise Co-op. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Old Penitentiary Road, 208-343-8649