Join me for a stroll around the house & garden....things are starting to grow (especially the slug population) It's been a wet & cool spring so far; the lawn is sprouting mushrooms...not something that happens often around here :)

Anyway, we'll start at the front of the house....

looking towards the neighbors; new sculpture on the corner that I made yesterday; not done yet..

And the other new one
found a happy home in the planter...

This is the side garden in the front; used to be all grass. Now, I have a little herb patch, & just planted lots of tomatoes, peppers, & a small corn patch :) And some vines to grow on the reject sculptures :)

Chives; I love the purple pom-pom blooms :)

And the first roses of the season...

Looking into the back side garden through the gate; the thyme is filling in nicely between my recycled stepping stones :) Potatoes, lettuce, onions, kale, radishes growing; just planted beets, carrots, some flowers, & some other stuff I cant remember---I'm very free with the garden; I plant lots of stuff just where ever...

Kitty is following me... The
corrugated pipe planter is a new addition this year; there are several around the place :) I have a thing for
corrugated steel; for some reason: love the way it looks in the garden.

Chickens are happy. I hope they are practicing; they are soon going to be on bug patrol :) No names still: besides black chicken, grey chicken, etc.

Clematis on the bright & cheery

Peas are growing along; they are planted on the fence behind the chicken coop :)

Around the other end of the house in the back is the wild side.... (please ignore the hose that I was too lazy to pick up) Out here, I have a mix of shrubs, wild flowers, & edibles. Red currants, cherry tree, gooseberries, giant hollyhocks, a few herbs, sunflowers, strawberries, & a fair amount of weeds :)

Columbines; so pretty. Amazingly enough, this wild jungle of stuff is much easier to take care of than the lawn; everything out here just grows: I weed maybe 3 times during the year. No pesticides or synthetic fertilizers; I just let things go & they take care of themselves :)
And thats about it; hopefully the sun will come out soon & help the tomatoes grow--I'm looking forward to canning up a bunch of fresh organic sauce again this year. Will update again soon with whats blooming :)
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