Even better than a pair of new jeans, :) I'm so excited to be the proud new owner of an old, rusty, grain silo! And...a corn dryer silo too!

driving home from
Kuna the other night (we were out visiting our Engineer friend) Kevin spotted this old farm with a bunch of old trucks: as usual, he slammed on the brakes, did a u-turn, & pulled into the driveway (all to my protests that some crazy old guy with a big gun was going to greet him at the door one of these days). Actually, we were greeted by a sweet grand-motherly lady with a cute dog--she laughed & said she knew nothing about the trucks, so call her husband: who was up in Idaho City at the moment....

Since we were there, one
couldn't help but notice the old silos sitting out front.... So, Kevin called up Darrell later on, & set a time to come to come out & visit, talk trucks, & look around. He also inquired about the silos: knowing full well that I have wanted one for a garden shed, like forever...

Last night, we showed up & got a tour of the old farm; Darrell & his wife used to run a dairy: most of the farm land was sold years ago, but they kept one acre with the old house, shop, & some outbuildings. Turns out that none of the trucks had the parts Kevin was looking for, but we did make a deal on the grain silos! The smaller enclosed silo will be converted into a garden shed: so cute...

And the corn silo: I have a few ideas floating around for a temporary public art project: the city of Boise is going to be sponsoring some
eco-art projects later this spring, & I think this silo could be the basis for my proposal :) Later on, it will make a lovely garden structure; perfect for growing vines on....

So, tonight we will go back to the farm & make a plan for moving the two buildings: they both come apart easily into lightweight pieces, & should be fairly easy to move (we'll see). Another fun project for spring--cant wait!
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