Another truck; we now own 4 plus 1 car..... This one will replace 2, though, so I dont feel quite so crazy.

Anyway, this truck is all set up to accept a crane; the plan is to move the knuckle-boom crane we already have (it's on one of the other trucks) onto this one---it's newer & the brakes actually work :) The old truck will then probably go to the scrap yard--it's older than me & not really worth fixing. And the other truck will be sold, since we dont need it anymore.

Husband is all excited about fixing it up: I can't wait to put it to work; I've got a few big projects coming up this year & will need the crane :) Still hunting for a larger crane--this truck could actually handle a much bigger crane than the one we have, but cranes are soooooo expensive: for now, we will keep searching for the right deal....

More to come....
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