This summer, the McCall Arts Council chose to include one of my sculptures for the new
ArtWalk. Located along the lake in downtown, about 15 sculptures will be installed in the brand new park along the walking path. Yesterday, we went up to move the piece from the
ArtiZen Gallery to it's new location....

First order of biz: we took it apart & loaded it in the truck; took it around the side to borrow some plug-ins from Mike's wood shop. The base of the piece needed to be trimmed a bit to fit on the stone pedestal in the park, & we had to drill holes for mounting too....

Cutting the base; making lots of noise :)

The finished cut...

and Kevin gives it a quick touch up to smooth out the rough edges.

flipped over: ready to drill holes...

Drilling away, with the mag-drill--this is one of the coolest tools, like ever! Makes drilling precision holes through thick steel easy....

The drill-bit even looks cool...

And there it is: drilled through 1/2 inch plate in less than a minute :)

Here we are at the park; getting the bolts on the pedestal ready.

Each piece was placed by hand, & then all the bolts were tightened up...

And here it is; all done in it's new home: with a nice view :) It is located in Legacy Park: right in front of Hotel McCall.
Thanks to everyone who showed up to help :)
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