Wow; the last few weeks have been busy!! In between working on the Meridian City Hall project, final fab. on "Origin", making trophies for the AGC, meetings, directing the house painting crew, etc, etc, I've had a few minutes here & there to slowly plant seeds & play in the garden. It's been raining-a lot- for the last couple days, so every free 5 minutes, I've been trying to get more seeds in the ground! So far, I have 2 small sections of the huge dirt patch planted: the sections close to the house are waiting until the painting crew is done....

The view this morning: on the left near the fence I'm waiting for the corn to pop up, & also filled in with lettuces, a few herbs, & a few flowers--I can't remember now---I like to be very free in the garden: so when things start growing, I have lots of suprises :)

In the middle section between the 2 paths, there are baby carrots coming up, brocolli & kale, sunflowers--both yellow & deep red, beets, & a few volenteer grasses that I moved from the front of the house..

The little shed has a new coat of paint, the rhubarb is looking a bit ragged after being pulled aside for the painters; but the clematis is covered with buds! Theres also little radishes popping up, some garlic, beets, & a few other things--they might be weeds: will have to wait & see. BTW-I learned a new trick for keeping aphids off the roses: read in MaryJane's Farm about boiling rhubard leaves for 30 minutes, then using the water as a spray; seems to work like a charm! A new use for the rhubard, since I never do anything with it :)

These raddishes are growing like weeds!

And this is the other side of the house from the back yard; growing along nicely....

Little brocolli in my salvaged concrete planter....

My red-current is going to be covered in berries again this year! Last year, it produced tons of beautiful little bright red berries that taste like pomegranit-sort of. I have a black current too, but found those berries tasted like soap! Was thinking of trying a mix of black & red berries for a jam; see if the combo tastes better than the black ones alone; if not: they will be left for the birds again :)

And this is the looking from the front yard: roses coming along, & I planted kale, chard, beets, & some beans in between :) This year, I've been tucking seeds into all the ornamental beds; trying to make more use of the space I've got :)
Well, time to go to work: we are moving a collection of sculptures into the City Hall Gallery today--I'm excited to bring a nice collection together for the dedication of "Origin," but not looking forward to the work of moving everything!! Maybe tonight I'll have a bit of time in the garden to plant s'more....
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