Sunday, 31 May 2009

Garden Tour

The yard & garden as of this morning....starting at the front of the house....Loving the new house color-except the font door-it was supposed to be deep red, but it's orange...

Wandering to the back; this is the wild side: I just let everything pretty much grow wild; a mix of perinials, herbs, shrubs, & industrial tidbits....

And cats: Skwishy Cat, posing like a super-model

And the new garden; things are coming along nicely; the middle section was planted first & it's growing along really fast now :)

And the side looking toward the front; got some huckleberries in the box, a couple cabbages, & lots of other stuffs....
Climbing beans; can't wait for them to really start climbing the sculptures :)
The tomates love their new spot; growing like weeds!

And the new herb garden with steel stepping stones. Looking forward to things filling in & looking more finished :) More to come....

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Hidden Histories

Working Lives of the Thames Gateway is a Stratford based project - they are running a series of events around the whole of east and south east London this summer based on work place histories - details from www.hidden – . They have a list of industries where they are keen to contact people who worked there to hear their stories – one of them is our local South Metropolitan Gas Co at East Greenwich Gas Works – contact

They have a local meeting at Greenwich Heritage Centre with archive films from around the area. (they say they will be presented by young people from Bexley - why?? Greenwich has its own film projects for young people!). The event will be on Saturday 13th June 1.00-4.00.

other events in connection with this include:
1st June - talk at Barking and District Historical Society
4th June - Women in the workplace. Bexley Archives 7-8
8th June - talk at Havering Riverside Club
15th - talk at South Elm Women's Club
17th - talk at Chadwell Heath Historical Society
26th June - Kamal Chunchie and the Coloured Men's Institute. Old Town Hall, Stratford 6.30

Friday, 22 May 2009

Garden Updates

The garden is coming along nicely; I've got corn popping up, & the kale, brocolli & kolirabi are starting to get big---lots of carrots too! The girl kitty; never one to miss a photo opp :)

The front side of the house; planted lots of heirloom variety tomotoes, peppers, a little herb garden, & beans to grow on the sculptures...

Love the purple clematis; it's sooooo purple; almost neon!
More updates to come! Happy gardening :)

Bits and pieces

Not really industry but interesting - we have a note from the Firepower Museum in Woolwich - they are looking for witnesses to the Spitfire which crashed near the Royal Arsenal on 31st July 1940. They want to know exactly where it happened and speak to anyone who maybe saw it. Mark Smith 0208 312 7120

The Greenwich Society are to hold their summer lunch party at the Shipwright's Palace in Watergate Street - a chance to see this 18th century house which was inside Deptford Dockyard and built for the staff. £20 a ticket details 020 8692 4801.

Firepower has launched a family history guide 'Is there a gunner in your family tree??' 020 8312 7134

We have been asked to help identify a historic steam engine restored by a chat show host on American TV (how did he restore it when he didn't know what it was). They say it is 1832. there is said to be a video of it on

Tuesday, 19 May 2009


nothing in the post - but the Southwark and Lambeth newsletter always turns up.

This is to highlight Richard Buchanan's walk round Greenwich on 9th June. meet at Maze Hill Station 6.45.
The newsletter also has an article about Rotherhithe Industry by Stephen Humphrey. (Rotherhithe's not too far from Greenwich - is it?) and all very good it is too.

- and also that Lambeth Council has given a Civic Award to local historian Brian Bloice!
(I couldn't even get Greenwich Time to print an obituary to Jack Vaughan)

LAMAS Newsletter - they list 100s of local history meetings in London - but all I could find of local industrial interest is:-

Kingston on Thames Archaelogy Society. 14th May (so its too late) Alan Crocker on the Gunpowder Industry in Surrey (I know Alan Crocker and he includes Lewisham and Rotherhithe in Surrey and talk about them at length)

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Garden Update

Wow; the last few weeks have been busy!! In between working on the Meridian City Hall project, final fab. on "Origin", making trophies for the AGC, meetings, directing the house painting crew, etc, etc, I've had a few minutes here & there to slowly plant seeds & play in the garden. It's been raining-a lot- for the last couple days, so every free 5 minutes, I've been trying to get more seeds in the ground! So far, I have 2 small sections of the huge dirt patch planted: the sections close to the house are waiting until the painting crew is done....

The view this morning: on the left near the fence I'm waiting for the corn to pop up, & also filled in with lettuces, a few herbs, & a few flowers--I can't remember now---I like to be very free in the garden: so when things start growing, I have lots of suprises :)
In the middle section between the 2 paths, there are baby carrots coming up, brocolli & kale, sunflowers--both yellow & deep red, beets, & a few volenteer grasses that I moved from the front of the house..

The little shed has a new coat of paint, the rhubarb is looking a bit ragged after being pulled aside for the painters; but the clematis is covered with buds! Theres also little radishes popping up, some garlic, beets, & a few other things--they might be weeds: will have to wait & see. BTW-I learned a new trick for keeping aphids off the roses: read in MaryJane's Farm about boiling rhubard leaves for 30 minutes, then using the water as a spray; seems to work like a charm! A new use for the rhubard, since I never do anything with it :)

These raddishes are growing like weeds!

And this is the other side of the house from the back yard; growing along nicely....
Little brocolli in my salvaged concrete planter....

My red-current is going to be covered in berries again this year! Last year, it produced tons of beautiful little bright red berries that taste like pomegranit-sort of. I have a black current too, but found those berries tasted like soap! Was thinking of trying a mix of black & red berries for a jam; see if the combo tastes better than the black ones alone; if not: they will be left for the birds again :)

And this is the looking from the front yard: roses coming along, & I planted kale, chard, beets, & some beans in between :) This year, I've been tucking seeds into all the ornamental beds; trying to make more use of the space I've got :)
Well, time to go to work: we are moving a collection of sculptures into the City Hall Gallery today--I'm excited to bring a nice collection together for the dedication of "Origin," but not looking forward to the work of moving everything!! Maybe tonight I'll have a bit of time in the garden to plant s'more....

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Blackheath Scientific Society

the society has asked me to note their next meeting on 15th May which is about the restoration of the Cutty Sark. It is at Mycenae House at 7.45.

Can any Mother help?

We've been asked to point up Greenwich's great Co-operative traditions with a note about the play '
Can Any Mother Help?' which will be showing at Greenwich Theatre on 23rd and 24th May. It is the Story of the Co-operative Correspondence Club - details;;, and of course booking through


Rather belatedly (sorry)
GLIAS events -
20th May - Annual General Meeting. 6.15 at Morris Lecture Theatre, Robin Brook Centre, Bart's Hospital. followed by Michael Bailey lecture on Robert Stephenson.
6th June = Walk inWealdstone. book by emailing 2.30
4th July - Sue Hayton is leading a walk round Eltham - book as above.
18th July - Denis Smith (GLIAS Chair) is organising an Industrial Archaeology study day at Birkbeck College. Details 020 7631 6627 costs £40.

They also note the following which might be of interest to Greenwich people:
Historic Fire Engines Rally - 17th May - Kew Bridge Engines Trust
Royal Arsenal Guided Walk - email, Walk London promotion.
Evening Walk in Historic Greenwich - Southwark and Lambeth Archaeological Society. Meet Maze Hill Station. 6.45

Friday, 1 May 2009

"Origin"-Meridian City Hall: Dedication Celebration

Hope to see everyone there! It should be a fun time for all; I'll also be introducing a couple new sculptures upstairs in the Initial Point Gallery :)

So far, the feedback has been really positive: everyone loves the way the finished sculpture looks in City Hall. I'm starting on the alcove panel next--it will include info on the history & inspiration behind the design of "Origin," along with a list of sponsors & donors. We are also looking at the option of adding a brass cap in the floor right under-neath the plumb bob with the exact coordinates; at request of the mayor... Hopefully I can get that going, & get the alcove art finished up for the dedication!

Big thanks to Architectural Metalworks; we couldn't have pulled it off with out your help! Also thanks to Lex & Jeronimo at Boise IronWorks, & Brandon at Jag Rentals. And of course, the Meridian Arts Commission, Idaho Commission on the Arts, the City of Meridian, & everyone at City Hall :)