OK: so this first pic is the offending strip of lawn along the side of the house; pain in the butt to mow, nobody ever uses it, etc. Even though it's between the 2 houses, it gets full sun most of the day: perfect spot for veggies & flowers.....

And away we go; Kevin cutting the first strip of sod; we decided to go ahead & take out the sod 1/2 the back yard too; going to put a path of wide reclaimed concrete stepping stones from the side walk to the shed: leaving only about 3 feet on each side of the path: who needs to mow that?! Alysa--running to mark sprinkler heads: we only destroyed one in this whole project....

1/2 way done with sod removal--Kevin is wondering what the heck he got himself into....

A nice 4 inch layer of compost, tilled into the top 3 inches of dirt; ready for planting!!! Still have to lay down the path....
And the side yard, all ready to go!!
Now, it's time to start planning out the plantings; I ordered enough seeds this year for a small farm, so I'm covered in that area.... I'm planning on a mix of veggies & ornamentals: some grasses to match the plantings in the front yard. I would like it to look attractive in all seasons, so I'm going to use the next week or so to research & plan it out. Will have to mix in a few sculptures & steel vine growers, of course. My back is sore & my muscles are tired from all the shoveling, but I'm excited about the possibilities. I love spending time in the garden & watching things grow: & happy to be watering plants that are beautiful & productive :) And no mowing!! Yay! Stay tuned for more updates...
In other news; we have decided to build the Meridian City Hall piece at Boise Iron Works-a division of Architectural Metals. Last week, we met with the shop Foreman, Lex, & set the 7th & 8th of April for fabrication & final test fit. I'm glad we will be doing the work there: each piece would have taken up my entire work space! It will be great to get in, have a few extra hands to help, & get it done in a couple days. On Friday, I was interviewed for an article in Meridian Mag.--set to come out the 1st of May. Perfect timing to get some interest in the project & hopefully have more people show up for the dedication on the 19th.
Alysa starts school on Monday; I'm looking forward to a more set routine. I will have all day while she is at school to work on the new pieces I have started: been missing my creative time this week :) But, it's all good; we did a quick welding lesson on Tuesday & made a sculpture together--I think it will find a new home in the new garden. Having a helper around to hold things & help tack weld will be good--got some projects coming along that will be mass production she will be able to help with & get paid, so hopefully it will be kinda fun for her.

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