Made these two yesterday, I like them both, the bearing stack-up is not exactly an original idea, but I still like it... The other one is made of the cutout scraps from the public art project from this spring; I think it turned out really nice...I'll get some better pics today.
Hmmmm, what am I going to do today??? I'm running pretty low on building materials right now, although I keep seeming to come up with different ideas.... The scrap yards have nothing right now: steel prices have dropped so much that no one is bringing anything in! Prices were soo good this summer, that the market got flooded with scrap steel, which caused the price to drop dramatically---everyone is expecting it to come back up withing a few months though. For now, I guess I'll just have to get more creative with what I've got, & expand my searching areas...
Tonight, we will be working on the project for A20 Fitness---we got the steel supports back yesterday, have to drill them tonight & take them into Mom's house (aka my other work zone & storage area) Hopefully we can put the concrete into them so I can get it stained next week.... More on that project later.....
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