Well, First Thursday went pretty well, all in all; the add that was supposed to run in the Boise Weekly somehow got missed, but the turnout was good anyway. I had to be there by myself this time; everyone was out of town--it was OK, but, I'm really not very good at "selling" my work to strangers.... The response was very positive, but no big sales that night...not too surprising, First Thursdays are more of a social thing, I think...
The fire in the torches looked cool, though...

And, in other news, we did some work on the public art project last weekend; the panel with copper is hanging in my workspace right now; oooooo the copper is soooo pretty!! Cant wait to get them all done & installed!!

Let's see, I just had my first sale on Etsy---that made me very happy. I'm still feeling it out there, but so far just the exposure has been worth the effort--quite a few visits to my website & inquirys from Etsy-ers. Will have to take s'more pics & get some more jewelry done to list.... Check it out at www.refinerii.etsy.com
Tonight, Kevin & I are making the trip over to Challis; going to my cousin's housewarming party, & then stopping at an old mine on the way back to check it out; more about that later... hopefully, it will be an inspiring trip; will take lots of pics!!
More later!!
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