So, this is the view from the inside of the apartment/office; looking out through my $100 double door/window...I have tried to use all salvaged/re-purposed materials :) The door came from 2nd Chance in downtown Boise: it's solid wood with glazed windows & came with the frame and lock-set; what a deal! 

I luv recycling/re-purposing & this is an example of how anyone can use recycled materials: I saved money & supported a worthy cause all at the same time :) Throughout the apartment remodel, I have tried to use this method whenever possible: oops paint, existing light fixtures, or fixtures from the Re-Store or 2nd Chance, materials I already had on hand, and some great finds from the Reuseum :) --more on that later...--
This is the downstairs looking in from the door; a tiny space that will be kitchen, office, jewelry studio, & dining room all in one :) I'm going for a French/Italian/Shabby/Industrial style: concrete floors, plastered walls, stainless steel sink, exposed hardware, & anything galvanized I can get my hands on.... please ignore the cans of paint & mud; it's going to be cute, I promise!
And a chandelier or 2, of course: I'm soooo excited about this: always wanted a crystal chandelier, but never had one & I found this one at Diamond Street Recycling: it's from Barbacoa: burnt & black & sooooo Gothic looking! It even has melted glass from the light bulbs! (Barbacoa burnt down last New Years, & has rebuilt to open again this New Years) It's been re-wired--thanks so much to Marcella--& will be displayed in all it's imperfect glory---I am going to replace the missing/broken crystals with clear ones for contrast & a bit of it's old sparkle :) See pics of the original; before the fire, here:
And this is the beginnings of the too cute bathroom: steel pedestal, white sink, steel mirror, & light fixture from the Re-Store... After a quick wash of dark paint, it was a good as new :) $5
I just scored some cool old lockers from Diamond Street that will serve as storage; they will go on the wall next to the sink for towels, paper, make-up, & other essentials. Also got some cute old first-aid kits (empty) to mount on the walls for medicine cabinets; more on that later :) The mirror is an imperfect first try that was made for another project, the sink & faucet were eBay scores, & the pedestal was welded together out of old trade show displays that I picked up at another scrap yard.
This is a little wall made from pickets that came from 2nd chance: they are the same pickets we used to trim out the doors & room; I just white-washed them here: they cover up my discounted floor-model fridge that's on the other side---it's going to hold all the produce I will grow next summer :) BTW; the stainless steel sink in the background; I bought that last year off of Craigslist for a garden sink: it was outside on my patio all year, & then got a new home in the apartment-it's perfect! 3 basins, stainless steel, & lots of surface area---it's going to get a cute curtain soon to cover up the plumbing...soon :)
Up the stairs, there are 2 attic rooms that we are working on: they will get the plaster & paint treatment & 1 will be the bedroom, the other will be storage/closet/computer station. All in all, there is not much room, but I'm really looking forward to downsizing & simplifying---it's been fun to come up with creative solutions that will work in this tiny space : ) & I am definitely looking forward to the cost savings over paying for the big house that we hardly use...letting go of some of the stuff is proving to be a challenge, but it's only stuff, right?? Getting rid of the excess means more freedom for creativity & quality time...
The New Year is definitely going to be full of changes; & I'm looking forward to the possibilities... More to come later...